Sydney Debt Collection
Advance debt collection is an experienced Sydney Debt Collection agency who can help you get results. We offer a range of services including sending letters of demand, making telephone contact, negotiating payments, discussing suitable payment arrangements, account status reports and much more.

Sydney Debt Collection
We specialise in debt recovery therefore we can save you time and money so you can focus on your day to day business.
As far as costs are concerned, we are paid a specified commission rate based on the size of the debt, this means before you proceed, you have a clear understanding of our costs.
Advance Debt Collection Sydney
If you are interested in utilizing our services, check out our website and submit your details for a free debt assessment. Once your email is received, someone from our office will be in contact with you to discuss the matter. You will then be required to submit details of your debt online and provide documentation if any. From here we are good to go.
Advance Debt Collection Services
Our professional Sydney debt collection services to you include:
If after making all attempts to collect the debt, we are still unsuccessful in recovering the monies owed, the matter can be referred for legal action to Stonegate Legal.
Proceedings can be issued out of the Downing Centre Local Court located at 4/143-147 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW.
To commence proceedings in NSW, a Statement of Claim is filed and served upon the debtor.
The debtor then has 28 days to pay the balance in full, enter into an arrangement or lodge a Notice of Intention to Defend, should the debtor wish to dispute the matter.
If the debtor takes no action, we can proceed with a Notice of Motion for Default Judgment. Once Default Judgment has been entered, enforcement action can proceed.
In NSW, if the debtor’s employment information is known, proceeding with a Garnishee Order for Wages and/or Salary (Garnishee) is an effective option.
Once the Garnishee has been filed, service is required to be affected upon both the debtor and the employer. In NSW, under the Garnishee, the debtor is to be left with $545.20 per week effective from 1 April 2022, anything over this amount is to be deducted by the employer. The employer must comply with the orders made.
If the debtor’s financial situation is unclear, you may wish to proceed with an Examination Notice.
An Examination Notice is basically a statement of position. The debtor is required to complete the notice providing information and documentation in relation to their income, expenditure, and any assets they have.
If the debtor fails to return the notice within 21 days, an Examination Order can be filed whereby a hearing date will be listed for the debtor to appear at Court.
The Order is required to be personally served upon the debtor at least 14 days prior to the hearing date. The information obtained can help you determine which recovery option is best to take moving forward.
If you believe the debtor may have assets of value, you can proceed with a Writ for Levy of Property (Writ). Once a Writ has been filed, the courthouse will forward a copy of the writ to the relevant sheriff’s office for execution.
The sheriff will then attend the debtor’s premises and forward a report with their findings. If there are goods of value located, the items will be tagged for seizure. The debtor is then given time to resolve the matter, failing this, the goods are seized and sold at auction.
The proceeds less any costs incurred by the sheriff are forwarded in payment towards the debt.
Collecting outstanding debts - Sydney Debt Collection
Many useful tools can be utilised
Considering the information provided above, as you can see there are many useful tools that can be utilized to recover outstanding debts. If you have a debt that has been outstanding for some time, then give us a call today and let us help you.