Small business debt collection is a vital part of running, and managing your business.
Are you a creditor that is lacking success in your small business debt collection processes as of late, and are looking for new and unique means of encouraging your debtors to make payments to reduce bad debts?
If so, you may be feeling under pressure, as your debt collection abilities and strategies are probably how you make a lot of your money for your business and, if you are not finding success, financial issues are inevitable!
Try not to panic. You see, small business debt collection is unique to each individual client and what will work for some clients might not work for all.
It is important that you have a bank of strategies that you can access at any time to use for different clients to see if they respond better to certain methods.
After all, it is important that most of your clients are making payments themselves without too much pursuit at least most of the time, or you will simply run out of hours in the day to collect all of your debts!
In this article, our debt collectors will provide you with a complete guide to small business debt collection in Australia that you can use if you’re looking to try something new in your business to encourage your debtors to make payments, reduce bad debts, and increase cash flow!
Reduce Bad Debts with Financial Workshops
The first alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is running some financial workshops.
Sometimes people aren’t exactly skilled at managing their finances. A little education can go a long way.
If you have access to resources or skilled financial professionals in your business, consider running a financial workshop to help teach your debtors to manage their money better.
Not only will they be grateful for the skills that you are helping them grow, but they will also be able to pay off their debts better with their honed abilities to save and spend appropriately.
Consider this to be an investment in your debtors and the debts that they owe you, especially if you already have people that can help to run these workshops working with you already!
Personalised Repayment Plans
Another great alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is creating personalised repayment plans.
As we discussed earlier, one method of small business debt collection will not work for everyone. In the same sense, a single payment plan will not be the most effective method for each debtor in your business.
By offering several, potentially even personalised, payment plans, you ensure that you are meeting your debtor’s needs and abilities so that your arrangement works better for both of you.
This way, they will be more able to pay their debts according to their plan, which, in turn, allows you to have debts paid on time and be able to plan your business expenses around when you are receiving payments more accurately.
Reduce Bad Debts with Support Networks
Another great alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is setting up support networks for debtors.
Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes, specifically someone that relates to the situation they are in.
This cannot be, and should not be for your well-being, you all of the time, so you should consider setting up support networks for your clients to utilise whenever necessary.
With a community of support around them, they may be able to better work out their issues regarding their finances and debts and be better able to pay their debts to you.
This can encourage your debtors by feeling supported by you also, as their creditor, as they will be able to see the effort you are putting into their well-being.
Reduce Bad Debts by Rewarding Positive Habits
Another great alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is rewarding positive habits in your clients.
Everyone likes to be acknowledged sometimes!
As much as punishing late payers in the form of fees is also shown to be effective, rewarding early payers or those who pay consistently on time can be another successful method of encouraging payments.
A rewards system may be a simple and inexpensive way to encourage paying on time or, even better, early!
Reduce Bad Debts by Accepting Micro-Payments
Another great alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is allowing some clients to make micro-payments.
This method may be one that you reserve for a limited number of clients that are struggling with paying their debts due to financial issues, and whom you do not want to declare bankruptcy as you will likely lose money.
Micro-payments involve breaking down debts into smaller, more manageable portions that those in financial strife can continue to pay.
This way, you will eventually be paid in full, which you might otherwise not if they declare bankruptcy or insolvency, even if over a longer period.
Encourage Plan Formation for Debtors
Another great alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is to encourage your debtors to make repayment plans.
Some debtors do not know how to properly manage a debt.
Maybe it’s their first time with debt or maybe they have just never researched how they can manage it.
If you think this might be the case, maybe you could send a friendly email with some ways that they can make a plan with their debt and how to pay it off.
There are many methods, such as the snowball or avalanche method, that you can find on the internet.
By encouraging your debtors to form collection plans for themselves, you encourage them to follow these plans and make payments to their debts.
Reduce Bad Debts by Negotiating
Another great alternative method that you can use to encourage your clients to make payments is to engage in negotiation with your debtors.
Negotiation is another method that can be used to avoid your debtors declaring bankruptcy and you missing out on some or all of your debt.
By negotiating, you open your debtors up so that they can discuss what they need to be making payments on time.
If their requests are unreasonable, however, tell them this and make sure your needs are your priority.
3 Risks in Business in Australia
Are you a business owner trying to cover all grounds when it comes to protecting yourself from risks in business?
If so, you may feel a little overwhelmed by all the grounds you have to cover to do so!
There are several risks in business and types of risks that you will likely come across over your journey as a business owner, so it is important that you are able to identify and manage said threats.
There are also certain concepts that, while they don’t pose an immediate risk at the moment, likely will down the track and you should prepare yourself for.
Risks in Business #1 - Financial Risk
One of the more significant risks in business is financial risk, a threat that can cause a business to collapse entirely.
Businesses can only really thrive when they have a steady financial flow coming through.
Between all of the expenses of running a business combined with the obvious aim of receiving profit, without a proper plan, a positive cash flow, and a general steady income everything can simply fall apart.
In itself, there are several types of financial risks that all create different results and affect owners and their businesses in different ways.
Your business may experience operational risk, which includes situations such as employee fraud and retention problems.
This can result in increased costs while production of your product/services decreases, overall resulting in negative cash flow.
You may also experience credit risk, a scenario in which your business finds itself unable to continue to make debt repayments to creditors.
This can result in insolvency, bankruptcy, and even legal issues brought on by creditors suing.
But what can I do about it?
Budget: Budgeting is a great way to avoid financial risks in the future by ensuring you have enough funding behind you to manage it.
Budgeting is the process of sorting expenses into categories and then assigning spending limits to each category.
This can ensure you can pay off debts and have a stable system behind you for bringing in profit and saving it effectively.
Part of your budget should also include an emergency fund, made for saving as much money as possible to access for urgent financial matters so that you never entirely run out of money.
Read Financial Statements: Another great way to avoid potential financial risk is by making sure that you are effectively reading through financial statements.
You should be aware of all of the financial matters regarding your business, even if you have employed someone such as an accountant do also do so.
Risks in Business #2 - Reputation Risk
Another significant risks in business faced by many businesses is the threat of a poor reputation, an element that can affect your entire company.
Reputation risk is the risk of developing damage to the name of your business rather through customer reviews, financial issues, or some extent of scandal or issue with your product or service.
This can cause customers to stop shopping at your company for fear of also experiencing the issues others clearly have at your establishment.
Reputation damage can be incurred in one of three ways, directly, indirectly, or tangentially.
Directly causing reputation damage to a business occurs when the actions or behaviours of the company as a whole have caused the damage.
It can occur indirectly through the actions of one or multiple employees.
Finally, it can occur tangentially through other parties that provide to your business, such as suppliers.
But what can I do about reputation risks in business?
Hire Trust-Worthy People: One way to prevent reputation risk from negatively influencing your business is by hiring a set of trustworthy individuals.
An element of reputation risk, as discussed, comes from the actions or behaviours of your employees and your suppliers.
If you hire people who are not willing to put in the work or have a history of poor service at past jobs, you are putting the reputation of your business at risk.
Prioritise Customers: Another way to prevent incurring damage from reputation risk is by making sure your customers are treated like royalty.
Of course, as an owner, you will have other things to manage and won’t be able to focus 100% of your energy on customers.
You should, however, try and go the extra mile as it affects the reviews and recommendations people will give to others.
Risks in Business #3 - Technological Risk
Another risks in business that can potentially cause damage to your business is a technological risk, a concept that is more relevant than ever and can cause serious harm.
Technology is great. It helps to manage files, run taxes, communicate with customers, or even just simply google an answer to a question that you are not quite sure of.
Not only that, but online shopping is also a growing concept that can allow you to reach a whole new demographic with your product! However, all of the benefits of modern technology do not come without risk.
Between hackers, computer glitches and breakages, and other concepts, there is a lot that can go wrong.
Depending on your business model, you may or may not require customer details, such as phone numbers, addresses, and bank account details that should not be getting into the wrong hands.
If hackers breach your system and get a hold of the intimate details stored within customer files, they could cause serious damage to both the safety and well-being of customers and the reputation of your business.
Furthermore, all of the information stored on computers is great, but sudden breakages or glitches in computers can cost you to lose a lot!
But what can I do about technology risk?
Use Security Software: One way to prevent technological details is by using software that safely secures the details of customers. Though not absolutely fool proof, good quality security software can help a lot in the fight against hackers.
This can prevent hackers from obtaining client information and using it to damage both the lives of clients and your business.
Backup Files: Another way to prevent technological risk is by ensuring all of the information you store on your computer is securely backed up. It is wise to keep physical files, as well as digital ones to prevent issues with technology from damaging your business.
Tips for Small Business Owners
Are you one of many small business owners in Australia? Or maybe you are looking to start your own small business in the near future.
If so, there are many things you have to manage and care for to maintain your business.
This can quickly become overwhelming and certain elements, namely finances, can quickly sink your business if not careful.
Small Business Owners Keep Organised
Organisation is key in business, especially if your business is still in the developmental stage.
Remaining organised is one of the best ways to ensure you are on top of everything and you know where your business stands at any given time.
There are several things you can do to assist your business with organisation, ranging across areas such as time management, filing and documentation, and online tricks.
You may find a way to stay organised is by keeping your business documents and files in a neat, accessible order for future customer-related or financial matters.
You may digitalise files for efficiency, but at the very least should be recording all interactions you have with customers and sorting these details into organised folders.
It is also a great idea to keep on top of your business matters time-wise by setting deadlines for projects and ensuring you meet them.
It is important for this particular strategy that you keep things achievable, so you do not become too overwhelmed if you fall behind on impossible deadlines you’ve set!
Planning is also your best friend in the business. Planning for future product drops or social media posts is a great way to keep an active presence for your company without dedicating time out of every day to do so.
Find Your Niche
Another way to improve your business is to narrow down your advertising and product to find a niche.
Finding a niche for your business is a great way to boost your popularity and find the target audience you’re looking for.
As a small business, it will likely be difficult for you to find the funding to supply a large selection of products, or at least a large selection of appealing and well-functioning products that will keep customers coming back.
This is why you should focus all of your resources towards creating a product or supplying a service for a specific target audience and making your sale point quality rather than quantity.
In short, pick something and do it to your best; it will likely pay off!
Small Business Owners are Flexible
Being flexible to the occurrences surrounding owning a business can help you to both grow your business and stay motivated in the field.
It is vital that you are ready to bounce back when things don’t go exactly as you planned and have an exit strategy for when this does occur.
Flexibility is not simply about being able to stay motivated in tough times, but in order to truly be a flexible business owner planning is an absolute must!
For example, if sudden debt or money troubles occur in your business, you should establish an emergency fund.
An emergency fund is a form of savings that you only access in times of financial distress.
This distress can be for any reason and come up at any time, which is why this fund is so important. You should be saving as much as you can afford into this fund, as you never know when you will need the money!
Small Business Owners Utilise SEO
SEO, or search engine optimisation, is an important part of growing your small business and attracting new customers to your product.
SEO is the term in business that refers to adapting your company’s model to make it more search engine friendly so that more customers can discover you online.
The best and most popular way to build your business's SEO is by running an effective website.
There are various ways in which operating a website can assist your growth. Credibility is the main factor in why many start a website.
No matter how unique your business may be, there is a strong possibility that someone else out there has the same or a similar product or is at least appealing to the same target audience as yours. Having a website establishes a stand-out factor for your business.
Your website should include reviews from past customers, images, and, most importantly, original, well-researched content.
Consumers are consistently switching their shopping habits to suit the technological age. If you are not online, chances are you will simply fall behind!
Small Business Owners Budget
Money can be difficult to manage. Between all of the aspects you need to keep track of, it can easily become too much.
Well, lucky for you, creating an effective budget that factors all of your elements of business into it is a great way to keep on top of it all! Budgeting is the process of considering all of your business expenses and assigning spending limits to each.
This allows you not only to keep track of where your money is going but learn from the spending mistakes of the past and cut costs where necessary.
Spending categories may include electricity, gas, and water bills, production costs, rent, and employee wages.
It is also a good idea when managing the finances of a small business to cut costs when possible to keep you above water if the business becomes slow, as it sometimes might.
Small Business Owners Prioritise Customers
You know what they say in business, the customer is always right. Although this may not be entirely accurate, it is vital that you treat them like they are in order to build your business and maintain long relationships with regular customers.
One of the reasons many turn to small businesses is the personal touch of quality customer service that you generally don’t find in big corporations.
As a business owner, you should ensure you and all of your staff are maintaining this value by prioritising the needs of the customer.
There are various ways you can do this to help your business to stand out from the competitors.
First things first, ensure that all interactions with customers are friendly and you are answering queries or other contact in a prompt manner. Make sure the language you are using in emails comes across as friendly and properly reflects your brand image; don’t be too formal!
Use Debt Collectors
Cashflow is the lifeblood of any small business. As such, it is vital that small business owners keeps on top of their aged debtors.
A debt collection agency such as Advance Debt Collection can help you manage cash flow, and manage your aged debtors to get that cash in the door.
There are a lot of reasons why an Australian small business should use a debt collector. While is seems like a small business could attempt to collect debts itself, or employ an accounts receivable manager (if large enough), a professional small business debt collection agency is usually a better option.
A small business debt collection agency:
- Only charge a small commission - at Advance Debt Collection we offer a no win, no fee service. If we do not collect then we do not get paid.
- Quickly collect aged debts - Advance Debt Collection will collect your debts more quickly, as it gives the debtor a sense of urgency.
- Reduce wasted time – if you spend less time chasing debts, then the small business can focus on its core areas, making it more productive and profitable.
Create a Small Business Debt Collection Process for your Business
Are you a creditor or business owner that is trying to create a small business debt collection process for your business, but just can’t seem to get it quite right?
If so, you are probably feeling the pressure of this task and may be struggling to even figure out where to begin to create a small business debt collection process.
These concerns are warranted, as creating a small business debt collection process in your business is an extremely important step in, well, collecting debt, but can be resolved!
You see, without establishing a process of recovering debts that works for your business and clients, you will not be able to collect your debts as effectively as you may like.
Not being able to collect your debts can be extremely damaging to your business, its finances, and its cash flow, which can result in eventual insolvency!
This is why it is so important for you to form a debt collection process that works for your business.
What Does it Mean to Create a Small Business Debt Collection Process?
The first step that you should take when you are looking to create a debt collection process tailored to your business is to define what it is that you want from it.
This may seem a little obvious, right?
When I’m putting my debt collection plan into action, I want it to effectively collect client debts.
Well, it may be beneficial to look a little deeper than that.
Depending on your business needs and the type of service that you provide, you may be looking for slightly different things from your debt collection process.
Say, for example, you have debts of your own or you have some debts that are large and some that are small.
A person in the latter circumstance may wish to prioritise the larger debts to collect as much money as they can in a smaller period.
Some companies may find it more effective to focus on collecting all debts in a certain time, so the earlier debts may be a goal for them before moving on to the newer ones.
Regardless, it is important that you define what this is for you and plan accordingly.
Consider Your Clientele
Another step that you should take when you are looking to create a small business debt collection process that works for your business is to take your target audience and existing clients into account.
Every business provides its goods to a different demographic.
For example, aged care facilities will be aiming their advertising and customer efforts towards a much different audience than a toy factory!
The people that you have paying debts to your business or wish/are likely to have in the future should be considered when you are forming your small business debt collection process.
This is because the same payment terms probably won’t work as well for a young person as they will for a financially established adult.
Not suiting your audience may mean that you lose clients that you otherwise would have secured or that you have more people not paying their debts as directed.
Set a Timeline to Create a Small Business Debt Collection Process
Another step that you should take when you are looking to create a debt collection process that works for your business is to set a timeline that you will follow.
Debts should be collected over a selected period of time.
This can be effective in preventing excessive time and resources wasted on a debt that will simply not be worth it to collect.
After you have pursued a debt for your chosen period, you should assess whether it is time for you to take legal action or if you should just let it go!
Determine the Best Collection Methods
Another step that you should take when you are looking to create a small business debt collection process tailored to your business is to choose your business's collection methods.
Every business should figure out the collection methods that work for them and stick to them!
Depending on the way that you function as a company, different things will work better than others and will be more effective for your particular clients.
Say, for example, if your clients are generally higher ranking and like the closure of a legal agreement, arbitration may be a good way to deal with disputes outside of court!
Make sure that you have established these methods in the order that they will be taken in, and let your clients know.
Create a Small Business Debt Collection Process - Payment Terms
After you have decided on the best collection methods for your business, it’s time for you to decide on the best payment terms and options.
Again, this should be heavily focused on your needs as a business and the needs of your clients.
It is also wise to offer a large number of payment options to pick from so that your clients respect your business and feel that it suits their lifestyle so that they will hopefully keep coming back!
Your terms of payment should be quite detailed and extensive and include anything that you think your clients may need.
This way, you can avoid excessive phone calls asking you questions or, more importantly, clients not paying at all.
Create a Small Business Debt Collection Process - Update the Team
So, you have established a great payment method that works perfectly for your business.
It’s time to update your team and tell them the good news and, more urgently, the details of the small business debt collection method.
Making sure that everyone is informed will mean that they are able to follow the process and put it to work in your business.
Even if you don’t feel it is necessary, some things may happen without you even noticing due to your busy schedule, so just make sure to let everyone know.
After all, it takes a village!
4 Things All Business Owners Should Know About Small Business Debt Collection
Are you a business owner that is looking to learn more about small business debt collection so that you can make an informed assessment of its benefit to your business?
If so, this is a very important process and may ignite some stress in you as, without the proper knowledge, it can be difficult to decide if you want to use it.
Debt collection is quite a controversial topic amongst creditors, and you may be hearing several opinions and personal experiences that contradict each other.
It is important that you can come to a conclusion about how small business debt collection could benefit your business in particular as you may miss out on these benefits if you don’t.
This is why some more information about the process and what it entails can be beneficial to you and any other business owner thinking about debt collection.
You Don’t Have to Use Small Business Debt Collection as a Last Resort
The first thing about small business debt collection that you should be aware of as a business owner, regardless of whether or not you’re looking into it at the moment, is that it does not have to be a last resort.
When your client has not paid their debt, your first instinct will generally be to exhaust all potential routes outside of legal action and a paid service, such as a debt collector.
This is a fair course of action as many creditors have had it instilled in them that it is in their best interest to do so! However, this is not necessarily true.
It is generally wise to contact your debtor quite a bit and maybe even take some minor legal action, such as sending a letter of demand, before doing anything too drastic.
There are some circumstances where earlier action, however, can be of benefit. For starters, if your business cash flow is struggling or if you are lacking the time or the energy to continue to contact clients, simply hiring a debt collector can be the best route for you.
If a serial late-payer misses yet another payment, taking early action can show them that you mean business and are tired of their behaviours. No matter the case, consider debt collection early if you think it is right!
No Debt too Small
Another thing that you should know about small business debt collection as a business owner if you would like to learn more about it is that there is no debt that is too small.
This is, of course, a slight exaggeration. A debt of, for example, $50 is unreasonable and will not have much of an effect on a successful business. However, the point still stands!
No debt, within reason, is too small if you wish for it to be collected. When considering debt collection, some creditors wonder if the money that they will receive if the debt is collected is worth the process.
This is, of course, a question that only you can answer, but provided that the debt will make a positive effect on your finances, you can absolutely go for it!
Using a debt collector to collect a debt that may be quite small can have its benefits as simply having that money in your account can improve your cash flow and overall allow your business to be more financially stable.
Skip Tracing
Another important thing that you should know about debt collection if you are considering implementing it in your business, or just want to know more about it, is that they can engage in a process called skip tracing.
Have you ever gone to collect a debt from a client, just to discover that you have no means of locating or contacting them? This can be extremely frustrating, and you may feel like this is the end of the road for this particular debt.
Fortunately for you, this is not the case! When you hire a debt collector and inform them that you cannot locate the debtor, they will likely undergo a process called skip tracing to locate this individual.
Skip tracing involves searching public documents such as housing records, employment records, criminal records, etc, to locate an individual that has tried to flee to escape debt.
The term comes from the phrase “skipping town” and can be a very useful tool when trying to locate missing people.
Once the debt collector locates the debtor, they can then follow regular small business debt collection procedures to go from there.
Costs of Small Business Debt Collection
Another thing that you should know about small business debt collection and a common concern of those considering it is the information about the costs and how they will be processed and calculated.
When considering using a debt collector, many are concerned that it will cost too much or that the debt is not worth the amount you pay for it.
In general, debt collectors go off the payment model of “no collection, no fee”. This means that if the debt collector fails to recover your debt from the client, you will not have to pay them for their time or resources.
But what happens if they are successful? Well, again, this will vary but a lot of debt collectors take a percentage of the debt collected as payment.
This means that, from the debt that they collect, the debt collection agency will take a percentage like, for example, 20% in exchange for their services.
Of course, payment methods will vary across businesses, however, so look into the agency that you are considering going with before making any agreements!
Debt Collection Strategies for Small Businesses
Before we dive into the tips and strategies for small business debt collection, let's first understand what debt collection is and how it works.
Understanding small business debt collection is essential for small businesses that want to maintain financial stability and minimise the risk of bad debt.
Debt collection refers to the process of collecting overdue payments from customers or clients.
This process can involve a variety of techniques, including phone calls, letters, and legal action.
It's important to approach debt collection in a professional and respectful manner, while also being persistent and proactive.
By understanding the small business debt collection process and implementing effective debt collection techniques, small businesses can recover overdue payments and maintain a healthy cash flow.
There are three (3) things to think about when trying to understand small business debt collection:
- The definition of debt collection.
- The different types of debt.
- The debt collection process.
Our small business debt collectors will explain this in a little more detail below.
Definition of Small Business Debt Collection
Small business debt collection is the process of pursuing payment of an outstanding debt from an individual or business.
It involves contacting the debtor to request payment, negotiating a payment plan, or taking legal action if necessary.
When a small business provides goods or services to a customer, they expect to receive payment in a timely manner.
However, sometimes customers may not pay their bills on time, which can cause financial difficulties for the business.
Debt collection involves a series of steps, including contacting the customer to remind them of the overdue payment, negotiating payment plans, and potentially taking legal action to recover the debt.
The goal of debt collection for small businesses is to ensure that small businesses receive payment for the services or goods they have provided, while also maintaining a positive relationship with their customers.
Debt Collection for Small Businesses
There are two types of debt: secured and unsecured.
Secured debt is backed by collateral, such as a car or a home, which can be repossessed if the borrower fails to repay the debt.
Unsecured debt, on the other hand, is not backed by collateral and includes credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans.
A debt collector for small businesses can help you recover both secured and unsecured debts.
The Small Business Debt Collection Process
The small business debt collection process typically involves the following steps:
- Making phone calls or sending emails to follow up on payment.
- Negotiating a payment plan or settlement.
- Sending an invoice or reminder letter to the debtor; and
- Taking legal action, such as filing a claim or application and obtaining a money judgment.
Our small business debt collectors will explain this in a little more detail below.
Making Phone Calls or Sending Emails
There are a number of different ways that a professional debt collection agency will get in touch with small business debtors in Australia.
Sending emails and making telephone calls are two (2) of the most effective methods because they are essentially free and generally yield good results.
Phone calls to a debtor can be more direct and personal, enabling the debt collector to have a detailed conversation with the debtor and perhaps work out a payment arrangement.
On the other hand, emails can be more effective and offer a record of the conversation in case you need to use them as evidence if needed.
In general, effective communication is essential to debt collection, and small business debt collectors must employ a variety of different techniques to approach debtors and negotiate payment of the debt.
Negotiating a Payment Plan or Settlement
Debt collectors frequently attempt to enter into payment arrangements or settlements with debtors.
A settlement involves coming to a payment agreement for a one-time payment that may be less than the total amount owed in full and final satisfaction of the debt.
However, if the debtor does not have a lump sum for payment, negotiating a payment plan enables debtors to repay their debts over time.
The negotiation process can be difficult, and both sides must communicate clearly and be prepared to compromise to reach an agreement.
Debt collectors can increase their possibilities of collecting the debts owed by negotiating payment plans or settlements that are advantageous to both parties.
Sending an Invoice or Reminder Letter to the Debtor
In order to encourage prompt payment of a debt or unpaid invoice, giving the debtor another copy of the invoice with a reminder letter can be a very useful tool.
While a debt reminder letter is a more casual communication to your debtor that reminds them of their outstanding debt, an invoice is a formal document that specifies the amount due and the conditions of payment.
Small business debt collectors must send these documents in a clear, concise manner and include all of the relevant details, such as the debtor's name and address, the date the debt arose, and the amount due.
Small business debt collectors can encourage your debtors to act and possibly stop further legal action by copies of the unpaid sending invoices and reminder letters.
Taking Legal Action and Obtaining a Money Judgment
When money remains owed to a small business after all small business debt collection avenues have been exhausted, it may become necessary to take legal action in order to receive a money judgment. But navigating the court process can be challenging and complicated.
Obtaining a money judgment will allow the small business to start enforcement of that money judgment, but enforcing the judgment can be difficult and may call for additional legal help.
We would always advise seeking legal advice from qualified and experienced debt recovery lawyer to ensure the legal debt collection procedure goes smoothly and successfully.
Tips and Strategies for Debt Collection for Small Businesses
Now that we have a basic understanding of debt collection, let's explore some tips and strategies for small businesses to recover overdue payments. These include:
- Being proactive in communication.
- Considering hiring a small business debt collection agency.
- Establishing clear payment terms and policies; and
- Knowing your rights and obligations.
Our small business debt collectors will explain this in a little more detail below.
Know Your Rights and Obligations
It is very important for small business owners to understand their legal rights and obligations when it comes to collecting debts and getting unpaid invoices paid.
The rules relating to debt collection outline, and provide guidance on, the kinds of behaviour that are forbidden when collecting debts, such as using intimidation or asserting undue influence or pressure to get money back and recovering unpaid debts.
It's critical for small company owners to become familiar with these regulations and to make sure that their debt collection methods comply with the law.
Establish Clear Payment Terms and Policies
Clear payment terms and policies can help prevent overdue payments and make small business debt collection easier.
Make sure that your payment terms are clearly stated on your invoices and that your customers are aware of them.
Consider offering incentives for early payment or penalties for late payment to encourage timely payment.
Establishing clear payment terms and policies is crucial for small businesses that want to avoid debt collection issues.
By setting clear expectations from the outset, businesses can minimise the risk of late payments and improve their cash flow.
Here are four tips for establishing clear payment terms and policies:
- Clearly communicate payment terms.
- Use written agreements.
- Follow up on late payments promptly; and
- Be flexible, but consistent.
Our small business debt collectors will explain this in a little more detail below.
Tip 1 - Clearly communicate payment terms
Make sure that your customers are aware of your payment terms from the beginning of your business relationship.
This can include details such as payment due dates, acceptable payment methods, and late payment fees.
Tip 2 - Use written agreements
Whenever possible, use written agreements to formalise your payment terms and policies.
This can help to avoid misunderstandings or disputes down the line.
Tip 3 - Follow up on late payments promptly
If a customer is late with a payment, don't wait to follow up.
Promptly remind them of the payment due date and any late payment fees that apply.
Tip 4 - Be flexible, but consistent
While it's important to be flexible and work with customers to find payment solutions, it's also important to be consistent in your policies.
This can help to avoid confusion and ensure that all customers are treated fairly.
Be Proactive in Communication
Communication is key in small business debt collection. Be proactive in communicating with your customers about payment due dates, overdue payments, and payment plans. Follow up with customers regularly to ensure that they are aware of their outstanding balance and the consequences of non-payment.
Being proactive in communication is essential for small businesses that want to avoid debt collection issues. By maintaining regular communication with customers and clients, businesses can ensure that they are aware of any potential payment issues and can work together to find solutions. Here are four tips for being proactive in communication:
- Set up regular check-ins.
- Be transparent.
- Provide multiple communication channels; and
- Follow up promptly.
Our small business debt collectors will explain this in a little more detail below.
Set up regular check-ins
Establish regular check-ins with your customers or clients to discuss payment schedules and address any concerns they may have.
Be transparent
Be transparent with your customers about your payment expectations and policies. This can help to avoid any surprises or misunderstandings down the line.
Provide multiple communication channels
Provide multiple options and channels for your customers to be able to reach you, such as phone, email, and online chat, or social media.
This can make it easier for customers to contact you and can help to prevent missed payments.
Follow up promptly
If a customer misses a payment or is late with a payment of an invoice or bill, you must follow up promptly to address the issue.
This can help to prevent the debt from escalating and can maintain positive relationships with your customers.
Debt Collection for Small Businesses Techniques and Best Practices
Now that we have covered some tips and strategies for small business debt collection, let's discuss some techniques and best practices that can help small businesses recover overdue payments.
These debt collection techniques and best practices can include:
- Be persistent, but not aggressive.
- Create a sense of urgency.
- Establish a professional tone; and
- Use written communication to your advantage.
Our small business debt collectors will explain this in a little more detail below.
Establish a Professional Tone
When communicating with customers about overdue payments, it's important to maintain a professional tone.
Avoid using aggressive language or making threats, as this can damage your relationship with the customer and potentially lead to legal issues.
Instead, approach the situation calmly and professionally.
Create a Sense of Urgency
Creating a sense of urgency can help motivate customers to pay their overdue balances.
For example, you can offer a discount for early payment or set a deadline for payment to be received.
Emphasise the consequences of non-payment, such as late fees or legal action, to encourage prompt payment.
Be Persistent, But Not Aggressive
Persistence is key in small business debt collection, but it's important to strike a balance between being persistent and being aggressive.
Follow up with customers regularly, but avoid contacting them too frequently or at inappropriate times.
Be respectful of their privacy and time.
Use Written Communication to Your Advantage
Written communication, such as letters and emails, can be an effective tool in debt collection.
Make sure that your written communication is clear and concise and emphasise the consequences of non-payment.
Keep a record of all written communication in case legal action is necessary.
Why Use Us for your Small Business Debt Collection?
Advance Debt Collection distinguish ourselves from our competition in a number of different ways, including:
- Commercial and B2B debt recovery is our area of expertise.
- No matter where your customers are situated, we can assist you because our services are available Australia-wide.
- Our "no collection, no commission" policy means that you will not be required to pay us unless we are effective in recovering your debts.
- Starting out with us is an easy and simple procedure, just submit your debt online.
- There are no hidden expenses or monthly charges with us, we are 100% commission only.
- We are dedicated to giving our customers/clients the best possible support.
- We have a high collection rate.
Working with Advance Debt Collection has a number of advantages, namely:
- We make sure that you receive the money you are due and we can assist in preserving your earnings and financial well-being.
- Partnering with ADC can spare you the hassle and the time of coping with challenging debtors and unpaid bills or invoices.
- Legal fees that would otherwise be incurred to collect your debts with debt recovery lawyers can be avoided, saving you money.
- Our small business debt collection services can improve your cash flow, allowing you to seize more commercial possibilities and grow your business.
- Last but not least, we can free up your time so that you can concentrate on bringing in more money by handling the debt collection procedure.
Contact us today or submit your debt online!
Preventing Bad Debts in your Business
Are you looking at preventing bad debts in your business?
While often small business debt collection agencies are able to help you recover your debt, it is obviously ideal to limit how often you need to engage a debt collection agency.
Further, for those organisations who have accounting and book keeping staff who may be capable of assisting with debt recovery, ideally little to no time is spent on this, and instead spent on matters that are more directly related to the product or service that you offer.
Not all Customers are Right for you
While it may be exciting to receive an inquiry from a prospective client, if you do not have the proper payment policies in place, it could lead to you and your organisation spending time and money on a product or service for someone who does not pay on time, or not even pay at all. This is step one in preventing bad debts.
One measure that may go a distance in reducing the frequency in which the above occurs is establishing long term relationships with those who need your services.
When establishing these connections, it is often the case that people trust you as the supplier, and in some cases are more willing to pay up front, or even before the payment becomes due.
Ideally, establishing these relationships may result in you being paid at the time or before the goods or services are even delivered.
It is important that you do not enforce this policy on all clients, as flexibility is often required. It can in some cases be advisable to discuss this policy, and come to an individual arrangement with the customers.
It is also important to remember that not all 'good customers/clients' have money in pocket at all times.
Many good customers will have to utilise trade credit, loans, or payment from the resulting jobs which the goods are needed for.
However having said that, it can often be advisable depending on the situation you are in to spend some time amongst staff determine whether or not this is an appropriate discussion to have with the customer.
However, just as it is important to consider that not having cash on hand isn't always an issue, it is equally important, depending on you as the organisation, and the customer, to consider very seriously whether or not the fact the client doesn't have the cash any be a problem.
This is particularly important in situations where it is typical to have 'instalment payments', such as many construction type situations.
This may be for projects such as building a home, or on a smaller scale, such as the construction of a pool in the family home.
In these sorts of situations, it is generally a problem for a builder to not be paid at each instalment, as the construction contracts usually explicitly mention that payment must be made prior to work on the next stage of work commencing.
Preventing Bad Debts - Due Diligence
This tip does not apply to all those who perform a service or supply goods, but now a days trade credit is becoming more and more prevalent.
The process that banks undertake when deciding whether or not to extend a mortgage, or even on a much smaller scale, business and personal loans, could be considered as a good starting point for this sort of due diligence for businesses that provide trade credit.
Often it is advisable to ensure the debtor has provided the company director's guarantee to pay back the amount.
From here, as the company providing credit, there are other measures you can take to ensure or at least increase the likelihood that you are paid, and paid on time.
These measures may include all or some of the following;
- ABN lookup
- ACN lookup
- Assessing the individual / companies credit rating through the various different credit reporting platforms.
- Consider asking for tax returns for those organisations offering credit on high value products and services
- Conduct a look through of the businesses social media presence if applicable
- Engage in discussion with others who might have done business with this individual before
- Look at assets that the individual or company who is seeking trade credit owns, such as commercial properties, equipment and so on. This can often be done through a title search in the instance of commercial property, and for commercial vehicles often ownership and finance can be determined through a VIN lookup. There are many reasons for conducting searches of this nature, though it should be noted that the fact individuals and or companies still have loans to pay off does not always equate to there being a higher chance they will not pay you back.
Implementing the above measures may amount to you spending less time working with a small business debt collection agent.
Preventing Bad Debts - Use Established Systems
It is important to have pay policies in place to increase the likelihood of repayment as and when payment becomes due.
However in some instances depending on your organisation and the service you provide, there are other options.
This might include utilising the Personal properties security register (PPSR). In doing this, you establish an arrangement whereby those organisations that supply and sell for example, commercial vehicles such as those used in mine sites and on farms, have an arrangement in place where if you don't pay back the amount you owe for the item in question, the item in question will be repossessed.
It is possible to repossess an item for the sale of a debt in other cases where the item is not placed on the PPSR, however registering the item on the PPSR may lead to debts and repayments being made quicker than had they not been.
Again, small business debt collection agencies and legal debt recovery lawyers are in many cases able to seize items of high value for the recovery of a debt, however it is advisable in some cases to register the item on the PPSR, which might expedite the recovery process.
Advance Debt Collection have a legal partnership with Legal debt recovery lawyers Stonegate Legal, who are able to advise on such matters.
Invoices should have immediate late payment fees.
This tip may seem obvious but in many cases it is an underutilised technique. In many cases it can be legal to include clause that the providing of your service or good/s is subject to a late payment fee.
Preventing Bad Debts - Negotiate
While many measures implemented are largely to do with preventative measures, having an honest and frank discussion around how to resolve the situation with the debtor can prove quite fruitful.
Before engaging a debt collection agency, you may consider ensuring you have had an open conversation with the debtor, which may include establishing a payment plan with them.
Sometimes, this is more beneficial than suing and or hiring a debt collection agency. For some organisations, there may be a lot of potential here.
For example, those who are involved in the construction industry may be in situations where they also owe a debt to the individual who they owe a debt to.
In this particular situation, it might be the case that both debtors can set off their debts.
Avoiding Bad Debts in Your Business - 5 Tips
Avoiding bad debts in your business can be an impossible (or difficult) task.
Are you a business owner that engages clients in debt? If so, debt management can be a challenge, especially if you have multiple clients or have particularly difficult debtors.
If you are having trouble with one or multiple debtors that simply will not pay what they owe, your business may suffer in various financial aspects.
This is why it is important to try to avoid entering into engagements with individuals who will likely cause you problems in the future, or bad debts.
Taking some precautions prior to initiating a new debt is a wise way to do just that and a method that can save your business from the struggle of difficult debtors.
Ensure Customers are Aware of Your Terms
One great way of avoiding bad debts in your business is to make sure your clients are fully aware of the terms of payment before they agree to anything.
This advice may be quite contrary to what you’ve heard in the past. Surely it would be more effective for sales if customers aren’t 100% aware of everything they are signing up for.
Well, aside from the moral argument of this tactic, it can backfire quite spectacularly on business owners.
When customers know what is occurring in the agreement they are entering, various benefits are risen to help your business.
For starters, they will be aware of how much they owe you and how they are supposed to pay to follow the contract, meaning issues such as late payments or time-consuming conversations asking about the payments may decrease quite significantly.
Furthermore, customers are likely to trust you as a business more and, therefore, come back for more when needed and recommend you to loved ones.
Face it, regardless of how discrete you are with particular terms the customer will likely eventually find out about them and not be overly impressed that you hid this detail.
Simply sit down with a client before they engage in your business financially and discuss what they will be required to do in terms of payment; it can help your company.
Avoiding Bad Debts by Invoicing Effectively
Another strategy for avoiding bad debts is to ensure that your invoices are effective before sending them to customers.
Invoicing is an important part of business, and, without it, you are significantly more likely to not receive a payment.
This is why it is vital that your invoices are effective and tell the customer what they need to know.
Firstly, make sure that you include all relevant information on the invoice before sending it out.
Details of payment, a short summary of the service or product provided, your business name and logo, the due date, and other relevant information should be included on the invoice.
This can ensure customers know what they are paying for, who they are paying, and how and when the payment should be made, avoiding questions and calls from customers.
Furthermore, you should ensure invoices are sent out as soon as they are due and chase up payments when they are overdue.
This can ensure customers are aware that you know they are not paying and are willing to follow up if they continue to do so.
Avoiding Bad Debts by Checking Credit
When speaking with potential new clients before any agreements have been made, it is wise to do a credit check.
A credit check is a check of the financial history of a potential debtor and can help you to avoid clients in your business who have shown poor payment or spending habits in the past.
When you engage in any form of credit transfer, you will develop a credit score.
This score reflects how you went about payments and can be “good” or “bad” depending on whether or not you made payments effectively.
Checking your future client's credit scores can help you to understand whether or not they will pay their debt payments as discussed and if they have displayed strong financial habits in the past.
Depending on the particular score you are observing, an individual with a score under 500 should be approached with caution!
Negotiate When Necessary
Another great way to avoid bad debts is to negotiate with clients when you feel it is necessary to do so.
This tactic may seem a little backward. Why should I negotiate my terms when my client has violated them?
While this is true, knowing when to negotiate is a great skill and can significantly contribute to ridding your business of bad debts.
Things can happen in the lives of debtors. Whether it's unexpected expenses or unemployment, sometimes people will simply not be able to continue to pay you on the terms you have agreed upon.
In this circumstance, they may declare bankruptcy or insolvency, making your chances of receiving any payment at all significantly smaller.
This can put the cash flow or general finances of your business at risk. This is why negotiation can be important so that you and your client reach an agreement that works for you both at the moment.
Avoiding Bad Debts by Communicating with Clients
Another strategy to keep bad debts away from your business is by communicating effectively with clients.
Getting to know your customers in a professional manner can help you in many ways and prevent them from causing you issues in the future.
First of all, they may feel an element of trust and friendly nature between themselves and your business, meaning that they may be more inclined to pay you as discussed.
Furthermore, keeping in contact can prevent forgotten or missed payments and remind them that you will be pursuing them if they do not pay.
When a Good Customer Incurs Bad Debt
Do you have a bad debt? Generally, the most common reason business relationships turn sour is due to bad debts.
No business owner is wearing rose coloured glasses when it comes to debt, believing that they will not have to deal with bad debts.
Unfortunately there are times when as a business owner you are faced with an existing customer, who has always been a good payer starts falling behind in payments.
Being put in a difficult position you have to decide how to handle this, on one hand you have a customer with a good history with payments and a sound relationship.
But on the other you have a business to run and non-payments can impact cash flow and effect other areas of your business.
To understand why your clients are not making payments you need to find out what is happening.
The potential of a customer to bring you more or repeat business in the future means understanding the situation and planning accordingly to protect the relationship of business owner and customer.
As a first step it is important to ensure the outstanding debt is classed as a bad debt, considering non-payment an issue should begin once failure of one full payment schedule is passed or if you are aware of any specific circumstances that would impact paying.
You should then consider your terms of credit, and your clients pervious payment patterns, for example you invoice on the first of the month but your client pays the thirtieth of the month so it is vital you proceed based on their unique situation.
Instead of leaving this to your credit control personal it is best practice to teat a good customer on a more personal level to find a solution that helps both parties.
There could be any number of reasons why your customer has not settled their invoice(s), the only way you will be able to understand their reasons behind the slow payments and find a workable solution is by talking to them.
In most cases customers will who are not paying are experiencing temporary cash-flow problems, it is imperative to define how long “temporary” is, and an agreement can be reached of when the debt will be settled.
As a business owner you will need to consider if you don’t want to lose a good customer and continue to do business with someone who is experiencing financial issues and could struggle with future financial obligations or if it would be better for your business to let the customer go so you are not faced with mounting bad debts from that customer.
If all attempts have been unsuccessful in trying to reach a resolution and a way forward hasn’t been agreed, or the customer has defaulted on his payment obligations multiple times then the situation should be seen as something more serious and you should think carefully about the viability of the relationships long-term impacts for your business.
It is at this point you will need to look at what your options are for getting your debts settled.
Of course, you can try to collect the debt yourself, continuing to issue reminder invoices, phone calls and so on, but it is more effective at a certain level of debt, to use a professional debt collection agency.
A small business debt collection agency has the time, experience, know-how and technology to get you paid faster, especially if legal recourse is required to recover the debt.
The sole focus of a small business debt collection agency is collecting debts, they understand the process including all the specific laws and regulations specific to each state or territory.
Depending on the outstanding debt amount and how often you have non paying customers, you need to weigh up the financial benefits and customer relationships of outsourcing debt recovery or simply writing the debt off.
If the outstanding debt is relatively small engaging a professional service to act on your behalf may not make sense, you should consider your options carefully and conduct your due diligence very thoroughly.
Get Paid on Time as a Small Business – 4 Tips
Are you a small business owner that is currently struggling with clients constantly paying late and looking to get paid on time?
If so, you are probably experiencing a lot of anxiety and frustration about this and may not know how you can really go about doing anything to change it.
After all, if clients don’t want to pay then they simply will not, no matter what I do, right? Fortunately for you and your business, this is not the case.
Although it’s difficult to completely rule out late payments, there are some steps and precautions you can put into place to decrease these numbers, both now and in the future of your business! Late payments can have devastating effects on your business, especially if you leave them for too long, as they disrupt your cash flow and damage your general finances.
This is why it’s so important for you to have some tips and tricks for dealing with late payers!
Get Paid on Time by Setting Penalties and Interest
The first thing that you can do in order to be consistently paid on time is to set up a penalty system for those who pay their debts late or simply will not pay at all.
No one likes to be penalised. From childhood, people spend a lot of their time trying to avoid wrongdoing for fear that it will result in a consequence of sorts.
Well, when paying debts, you can apply a similar tactic to your debtors to make sure that they pay their debts as they should. Placing a late or absent payment penalty on your agreement can help your small business in several ways.
For starters, debtors will be much less likely to ignore payments or consistently make late payments if they are aware that it will result in a penalty of some sort.
You may wish to do this in the form of a late payment fee, or default interest, which is the choice most businesses make when deciding on a late payment penalty for their debtors!
Furthermore, the negative effect late payments have on your cash flow can be countered by the extra money you will collect down the road.
Get Paid on Time Reminding and Communicating
Another great tip when you are looking to get paid on time more consistently as a small business is to remind and communicate with debtors!
Both of these elements are absolutely essential in ensuring that your debtors are up-to-date and that your payments are coming in as they have been agreed upon.
First, reminding your client describes the process of actively pursuing your client in hopes that they remember to pay the debt.
The busy lives of your debtors can lead them to simply have a slip of mind when it comes to debt repayments. Don’t let this happen.
Make sure that you are constantly reminding your clients to pay! Do make sure that you are friendly in doing this, however.
The second element is communication, which is similar to 'remind' but can have slightly different effects. Of course, communicating consistently with your client will likely have the benefit of them remembering to pay.
It also, however, will likely help to create a professional relationship in which there is an element of mutual trust.
This can mean that if your client has a financial (or otherwise) issue that they will discuss this with you rather than simply declaring bankruptcy or engaging in another insolvency agreement.
Get Paid on Time by Doing Due Diligence
Another great tip for ensuring that you are paid on time as a small business owner is to run checks and due diligence on your potential clients before engaging in any form of agreement.
Before entering into any form of agreement, it is important that you collect as much information as you can get your hands on.
This applies especially when you are contemplating whether or not your business will provide your product or service to a potential client.
Having as much information as possible is vital to ensuring that you are making the right decision with your clients and are not forming an agreement with someone who has, in the past, displayed behaviours that imply that they will not be a reliable debtor.
Running a due diligence check is one great way that you can do this!
Suitability checks and due diligence involve checking the past management of finances and debts of your client to see if they will be a good fit for your business.
If someone has not paid past debts on time or at all or had any recent experiences with bankruptcy or insolvency, it will likely be displayed in some form within the due diligence checks.
Invoice Quickly & Follow Up
Another great tip for ensuring your clients are paying their debts on time is by taking the time to invoice each client quickly and efficiently. Invoicing is a key area in your business that should be managed effectively if you wish to have clients with better payment habits.
The term ‘invoice’ refers to a document sent by a seller to a buyer that discusses the exchange of goods or services that took place and how the payment for such should take place.
Without an invoice, a client will not only potentially not remember what they should be paying for but will have little idea regarding how the payment should be made.
It should include details including the amount of money needed and the time in which it should be paid.
By invoicing quickly, you ensure that your client has the proper details that they need to pay you on time!
Small Business Debt Collection FAQ
Navigating the complex world of small business debt collection requires innovative strategies and a deep understanding of individual debtor situations. In this FAQ page, we address common questions about enhancing your debt collection efforts.
Whether you're a creditor seeking new methods to encourage timely payments or looking to provide additional support to debtors, we've got you covered. Explore these frequently asked questions to discover alternative approaches that can empower you to reduce bad debts and foster healthier financial relationships.
How can I encourage debtors to make payments more effectively?
To encourage debtors to make payments, consider trying alternative strategies tailored to individual clients. One effective approach is to run financial workshops to educate debtors on better money management. This investment in their financial skills can lead to improved debt repayment capabilities.
What can I do if standard payment plans aren’t effective for all debtors?
Personalised repayment plans are a valuable alternative. Since one-size-fits-all plans may not work, offering various repayment options customised to each debtor's situation increases the likelihood of successful debt payment arrangements.
How can I provide additional support to debtors struggling to make payments?
Setting up support networks for debtors can be helpful. These networks create a sense of community and provide a platform for debtors to discuss their financial challenges and work toward solutions. This support system can lead to improved financial stability and a better ability to repay debts.
What’s a positive approach to encouraging timely payments?
Rewarding positive habits can motivate debtors to make timely payments. Apart from penalties for late payments, implementing a rewards system for early or consistent payers can foster a culture of timely repayment and improve overall small business debt collection.
How can I assist debtors facing financial hardship in repaying their debts?
Allowing clients to make micro-payments is a useful method for those facing financial difficulties. Breaking down debts into smaller, manageable payments helps debtors continue paying over time, reducing the risk of bankruptcy and ensuring eventual full payment.
What can I do to guide debtors in managing their debts better?
Encourage debtors to form repayment plans for themselves. Provide information on different debt management methods like the snowball or avalanche approach. By helping debtors create structured plans, you increase the chances of consistent payments and successful debt reduction.
Can I take legal action against a customer who refuses to pay?
Yes, you can take legal action against a customer who refuses to pay. However, it's important to ensure that your small business debt collection practices comply with applicable laws and regulations.
How can I prevent overdue payments from happening in the first place?
Establishing clear payment terms and policies, offering incentives for early payment, and communicating regularly with customers can help prevent overdue payments.
What should I do if a customer disputes an invoice or payment?
If a customer disputes an invoice or payment, try to resolve the issue through communication and negotiation. If necessary, seek legal advice.
How can I choose a reputable small business debt collection agency?
Do your research and choose a small business debt collection agency that is experienced, licensed, and has a good reputation. Check online reviews and ask for references.
How long should I wait before taking legal action?
The length of time you should wait before taking legal action depends on your payment terms and policies, as well as applicable laws and regulations.
Generally, it's best to take action sooner rather than later to avoid further delays in payment.
How do you collect business debt?
To collect business debts, business owners can start by reaching out to the debtor and sending a demand letter demanding payment of the debt and foreshadowing legal consequences.
If this doesn't work, business owners can engage a professional debt collection agency, or take legal action by filing a claim in the Court.
How much do small business debt collection agencies charge?
The fees charged by debt collection agencies vary depending on the agency and the type of debt being collected.
The commission rates usually vary from 10% to 40% of the debt, depending on the amount of the debt.
At Advance Debt Collection, our commission rates are:
- $1,000 - $5,000 - 30%
- $5,000 - $20,000 - 25%
- $20,000 - $100,000 - 20%
- Over $100,000 - 15%
What is the first step for a business trying to collect a debt?
Reaching out to the debtor and sending a demand letter asking payment is the first step for a small business attempting to collect a debt.
The specifics of the debt, the sum owed, and the due date should all be mentioned in this letter of demand. Make it very clear what it is about.
Businesses may think about using a small business debt collection agency or taking legal action if this unsuccessful.
How long until a debt is written off Australia?
In Australia, a debt is never really written off as such (except in NSW).
Generally, debts are unable to be legally recovered after six years if no payments have been made and no legal action has been taken. This is called a limitation date.
Why is it essential for clients to understand payment terms clearly?
Ensuring clients fully grasp the payment terms minimises misunderstandings, reduces late payments, and fosters trust. Transparent businesses are more likely to see repeat customers and receive referrals.
What makes an invoice effective?
An effective invoice is clear and comprehensive, detailing all necessary payment information, descriptions of services or products, and due dates. Prompt invoicing and active follow-ups can improve payment collection.
Why should a business check a potential client’s credit score?
Checking a potential client's credit score provides insight into their financial habits and reliability. Scores below 500 might indicate potential risks.
When might it be necessary to negotiate payment terms?
Negotiation becomes vital when clients face genuine financial hardships, making it challenging to meet the original terms. Rediscussing terms might secure some payment, reducing the risk of a total default.
How can consistent communication with clients help in avoiding bad debts?
Regular communication establishes a professional rapport, encouraging clients to pay on time. It also acts as a reminder for due or overdue payments.
What steps should be taken with a previously reliable customer who starts falling behind on payments?
Businesses should first understand the reasons for the delay. Differentiating between one-time issues and patterns is crucial. Personalised discussions might offer tailored solutions. If debts remain unsettled, seeking help from a small business debt collection agency might be necessary.
What is the key to avoid bad debt?
The key to avoiding bad debt is pre-emptive measures: ensuring clients fully understand and agree to clear payment terms before entering into any agreement, checking potential clients' credit scores to assess their financial reliability, and maintaining transparent and consistent communication with them throughout the business relationship.
What is the best way to deal with bad debt?
The best way to deal with bad debt is twofold. First, understand the reasons behind the delayed or missed payments, especially if it's a previously reliable customer. Engage in personalised discussions to find tailored solutions. Second, if these efforts repeatedly fail, consider seeking the help of a professional debt collection agency, which can be more effective in recovering significant outstanding debts.
What is the fastest way to reduce debt?
The fastest way to reduce debt is by proactively managing your invoicing process: issuing clear, comprehensive invoices promptly, actively following up on overdue ones, and being open to negotiations when clients face genuine financial hardships. If necessary, employing a debt collection agency can expedite the recovery process, especially for larger debts.

Advance debt collection is an Australia-wide commercial debt collection agency and credit and accounts receivable management. We can recovery your debts, conduct skip tracing, and manage your accounts receivable. We collect your debts for commission only. This means no collection, no commission. We are professional debt collectors with combined 20 years of experience to help you collect your debts. We are partnered with expert litigation lawyers with years of experience in debt recovery, enforcement, and insolvency. Under the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 Advance Debt Collection Pty Ltd hold authority number 4583821 to act as a debt collector. ADC Advance Debt Collection® is a registered trademark.