Are you a debt collector that is having problems with one or more of your clients skipping town to avoid a debt and you are looking for means of finding them using technology for skip tracing?
If so, chances are you are more than a little annoyed and stressed about this situation, especially if you don’t have a clue where to start!
Skip tracing is a great tool that you can use to find clients when they are missing, but it relies on your ability to navigate technology and other sources to do so.
So, how can I use the modern digital age to my advantage to find those clients that don’t want to be found? There are several ways that you can do just this.
But where to begin? The internet is a big place after all!
This is why it can be helpful to have a guide for how you can use technology to skip trace.
In this article our skip tracers will discuss some tips and tricks that you can use by using technology for skip tracing and how it can help you to find your missing clients and collect those debts.
Using Technology for Skip Tracing - Utilise Online Databases
The first tip that using technology for skip tracing can help with is to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to utilise all of the online databases.
Online databases are a common tool used by skip tracers and businesses alike to find missing people.
It is the most common tool used to skip trace and, if you have done any research so far, you probably would have heard of it. So why is it a tip?
Well, are you using these databases effectively, this is the real question!
You should be accessing multiple databases, such as housing records, employment records, criminal records, and many others. Furthermore, you should be checking them often.
After all, things can change, and records are updated. Records can be a great tool for you to use, provided you are using them effectively, so make sure these are at the front of your investigation into your missing person.
Using Technology for Skip Tracing - Social Media
Another great tip using technology for skip tracing can help with is to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to use social media.
Social media is a very popular vessel for sharing news and important life details with loved ones nowadays.
Not only this, but people love to share things online that are not necessarily just for their loved ones to see.
In the age of influencers and trends, people have begun to share things with the general public on social media a lot more!
This can be used to your advantage.
Even if you have been blocked by users, you may have a personal account or other social media account that has not been, so you can still use this tip.
Simply log on to social media and spend some time actively searching for this person and any information that may be able to help you find them.
This way, you can locate your client and collect your debt.
Using Technology for Skip Tracing - Follow the Digital Footprint
Another great tip that using technology for skip tracing can help is to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to follow the digital footprints!
This tip follows on from the last, but someone’s digital footprint is there forever.
If you manage to find someone using social media or a database, try to follow the trail and find some more current information that may be of help to you.
Utilise Online Investigative Tools
Another great tip using technology for skip tracing can help with is to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to utilise online investigative tools.
There are several types of software that can help you to gather information about a person in order to find them.
They can automate the collection of information by searching through a wide variety of databases for you.
This way, you won’t accidentally miss any important information!
Use Reverse Phone Number Lookups
Another great tip that you can use to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to use reverse phone number lookups.
If you have the contact number of a debtor, you can use this to help find them!
There are several services online that allow you to enter the phone number of a debtor and collect their current address or their contact information.
This can then be used to find this person and collect the debt from them.
Using Technology for Skip Tracing - Collaborate with Professionals
Another great tip that you can use to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to collaborate with professionals within the industry.
Skip tracers are professionals at the process and can be a lot of help to your process.
You can simply seek them for advice on how you can best collect debts, maximising your success and saving you some money.
If you wish for them to take over the skip-tracing process entirely, this can also be arranged.
Stay Up to Date with Using Technology for Skip Tracing
Another great tip that you can use to harness the internet to skip trace your missing client is to keep up to date with the developments in technology.
Technology is always evolving in today’s world.
Make sure you are always looking into new technology that you can use to improve your skip-tracing process.
7 Free Skip Tracing Tools to Assist in Debt Collection
Skip tracing tools are vital if you are searching for a debtor that appears to have skipped town.
You may be considering pursuing skip tracing in order to find this individual so you can claim your rightful debts.
Skip tracing can be difficult which is why you should have some basic knowledge going into it.
This article will outline 7 free skip tracing tools you can use, how they work and how they can help you locate your debtor, including:
- General Search Engines
- Social Media
- Reverse Search Websites
- Yellow/White Pages
- Email Checker
- ABN Lookup
- WordPress or Blog Sites.
We will explain in more detail below.
General Search Engines
Although a basic form of locating, search engines can be extremely useful in locating a debtor and are generally underestimated.
Search resources may include:
- Yahoo
- Microsoft Bing
- DuckDuckGo (suggested for skip tracing)
- Ecosia
- com
- Baidu
- Yandex
The above list is not all-inclusive and practically just describes any online program that you can use to search for names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
It is important to keep in mind to search more than simply the basic information of your debtor, such as their name, to increase your likelihood of finding valuable information about their whereabouts.
You may wish to include information such as their phone number. A great tip for the phone number search is to search their number both with and without spaces between the numbers.
You may also add quotation marks to search terms to force your search engine to search for that exact term, not simply one word from the phrase or name.
Skip Tracing Tools - Social Media
Social media sites are another underrated method of skip tracing someone and can be extremely helpful in finding your debtor so you can claim your debts.
This form of the search will, of course, depend on the type of person that you are attempting to locate and how often they use or post on social media platforms.
For example, if your debtor has gone entirely “off the grid” and does not post online nor own a social media account, this method will not at all be effective.
Social media sites you can use to skip trace may include:
- Snapchat
This list is not entirely inclusive, and effectiveness will vary depending, again, on the personal details of your client.
Aside from the personal details that may be on their account such as their name, relationship status, workplace, etc, there will generally be hints to the whereabouts of a debtor throughout their posts, comments, and friends/followers.
Reverse Search Websites
Reverse search sites are overseas providers so, just a disclaimer, this article is not recommending their use but just providing you with the knowledge of their existence.
They may assist you by providing the name and address of an individual once provided with their phone number.
This is quite obvious, but this method of skip tracing will only work if you are aware and at least pretty sure of the phone number of your debtor.
Once you have entered the debtor's phone number and it has been processed, the site will reveal their full name and known address of them.
Some sites that perform services similar to this include Reverse Australia, Australia Lookup, and PIPL.
Skip Tracing Tools - Yellow/White Pages
These two resources, white pages and yellow pages can assist you in locating your debtor.
This one, like practically all other sources, requires at least your debtor's full name and/or phone number in order to locate them.
White pages are a resource that can reveal a person’s phone number provided you know their full name and the suburb in which they live.
The information this source uses is provided via a Telstra Sensis, which means that while the information will need to be further extended to locate your debtor (as it is only a phone number) will be up to date.
Yellow pages are slightly different from white pages and provide different information on a different basis.
When you enter the workplace of your debtor into yellow pages, it will possibly provide you with their address and contact number.
This may work even if you only have a mild idea of the workplace of your debtor, such as just the company at which they work.
Skip Tracing Tools - Email Checker
Email checker is another great free resource to help you with the pursuit of locating your debtor.
You can use these sites to find out if an email you have regarding a client is valid or not. Sites that provide this service free of charge include and
Skip Tracing Tools - ABN Lookup
An ABN Lookup is another great tool for skip tracing in Australia and, again, is absolutely free!
ABN Lookup is a tool created and provided by the Australian Government using a web service and provides an ABN lookup, of course, as well as a Name lookup.
An ABN lookup allows you to undergo various searches using either an ABN or an ACN.
For a little context, an ABN is an Australian business number and an ACN is an Australian company number.
The Name Lookup service also allows you to undergo multiple searches, which can be extremely useful if you know a debtor’s name but not their ABN.
WordPress or Blog Sites
The use of sites of this nature may not be as common as various others on this list but, if your debtor does, they can be very revealing and extremely helpful.
A blog or WordPress site is an internet website created for the purpose of sharing for enjoyment or other personal reasons.
These sites are, in most circumstances, created by the owner personally and they will usually share a lot to them.
The information found on these resources is usually quite personal and people that use them have a tendency to share large amounts of personal information.
The information aforementioned can greatly assist you in locating this debtor.
Skip Tracing Tools - Key Takeaways
It can be truly difficult when a client will not respond to your attempts to contact them, and you believe them to have skipped town to avoid their debts to you.
That’s why skip tracing can be really beneficial to your business, especially if you do not have to pay for the service.
This said, however, a paid service conducted by a skip tracer will likely come with the benefit of greater accuracy and time efficiency, as well as a better knowledge of the laws surrounding the process.
Protect your Business with Skip Tracing - 7 Advantages
Are you a business owner looking to protect your business with skip tracing and improve your debt collection, but can’t seem to find anything?
If so, your business probably isn’t in the condition that you would like it to be, which can cause a lot of stress.
This is a normal experience for many business owners as things don’t always go how we plan them to.
It can, however, damage both your business and your mental well-being if it continues this way, so finding a way to resolve the problem should be a priority.
A great alternative way to improve your debt collection process and, in turn, your business is to use skip tracing.
Skip tracing is the process of locating those missing debtors so that you can retrieve your debts from them. In the past, missing debtors may have been a signal for you to forget about the debt and move on, but this doesn’t have to be the case.
Protect your Business with Skip Tracing by Recovering Debt
The first way that using skip tracing to collect debts can benefit your business is by helping to recover bad debts.
Bad debts are those debts that never seem to be paid, no matter what you do to try to recover them.
This can be a topic of frustration for business owners, to say the least!
The worst of the worst debts, however, usually occur when there is nothing you can do about a debt because the debtor has fled their area and changed their details.
Skip tracing can help with this! Skip tracing can help you to locate these people so that you can recover the outstanding debt from them, or proceed however else you see fit.
This way, debts that would have otherwise been forever outstanding will have a fighting chance of being recovered, which can provide your business with the extra money that it needs.
Skip Tracing helps to Increase Debt Collection Rates
Another way that using skip tracing to collect debts can benefit your business is by increasing the rates of successful debt collection.
Debt collection is not easy, as we’re sure you’re aware. There is a lot that you have to do and many things that could go wrong, meaning you may not be successful 100% of the time.
What makes it harder is when you cannot even try to collect a debt as you don’t have the necessary information about a debtor (anymore) to find them and collect a debt.
However, your business may rely on the money from debts, so how do I get around this? Skip tracing is how!
When you skip trace you have a much better chance of finding and collecting debts from those who tried to flee their debt.
This will increase your collection rates, which will mean more financial freedom for your business.
Protect your Business with Skip Tracing by Reducing Costs
Another way that using skip tracing to collect debts can benefit your business is by reducing debt collection costs.
Debt collection doesn’t seem to be an expensive process, but it can very much be so.
When you have an outstanding debt from someone who doesn’t seem to want to pay, you have to go through a great deal to collect it.
Whether you hire a debt recovery lawyer or a debt collector or even neither, you will probably be putting a lot of money into the debt collection process.
This is especially prevalent when you can’t find the debtor, as you will almost certainly have to take further action.
When you use skip tracing, you can save the money that you would spend on legal fees to find a missing person by doing it yourself!
Minimising Legal Risks
Another way that using skip tracing in your debt collection process can help to protect and grow your business is by minimising the legal risks involved.
By locating a debtor so that you can have a conversation with them about the debt, you decrease the risks involved with the debt collection process.
It is important to note that the skip-tracing process has its legal risks involved, so proceed with caution.
You see, if you are not careful skip tracing will border upon stalking, so make sure that you have a good understanding of the process before making any moves.
Protect your Business with Skip Tracing by Saving Time
Another way that using skip tracing in your debt collection process can help to protect and grow your business is by saving time.
Following up with a debtor that you cannot seem to get in contact with or is ignoring your attempts to contact them can waste a lot of time for your business.
This time could be better spent in many other areas and can be used to both improve and grow your business.
When you use skip tracing, you can save a lot of the time that you would otherwise use chasing up a debt!
Helps to Improve Business Cash Flow
Another way that using skip tracing in your debt collection process can help to protect and grow your business is by improving your cash flow.
Cash flow is a very important element of any business. It describes the amount of money that you have coming in and out of your business at any time.
A positive cash flow means that you have more money coming into your business than you are spending on expenses.
Having a positive cash flow presents the opportunity to spend some money on improving your business or to save more so that you can protect it in the future.
Skip tracing can help you to make your negative or poor cash flow positive by providing you with more debts collected and, therefore, more income.
Protect Your Assets with Skip Tracing
Another way that using skip tracing in your debt collection process can help to protect and grow your business is by protecting your assets.
A debtor that has skipped town to avoid debt payments is taking some of your assets. After all, the debt belongs to you and has some monetary value!
When you skip trace, you can locate these assets and ensure they are collected and protected.
Hire a Debt Collector
Are you having trouble with skip tracing no matter what you seem to do?
If so, you should consider hiring a debt collector to undergo this process for you.
A debt collector is a professional in the industry and will find a lot more success in debt recovery than the average business owner would.
Their access to skills and resources makes them the perfect skip tracer and someone that will be able to find your clients much easier than you may be able to.
This can easily be the difference between finding your debtor and not!
Once they have been found, the debt collector will also be able to recover the debt for you!
What are you waiting for; hire a debt collector today!
FAQs about Using Technology for Skip Tracing
Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ guide on using technology for skip tracing and debt collection. If you're a debt collector grappling with the challenge of locating clients who have skipped town to avoid debts, you've come to the right place.
Skip tracing, the art of tracking down missing individuals, has evolved with the modern digital age, thanks to the power of technology.
This FAQ is designed to provide you with essential insights, tips, and strategies to effectively harness technology for skip tracing, ensuring you can locate your missing clients and collect those overdue debts.
What is skip tracing and how can technology help with it?
Skip tracing is the process of locating missing clients to collect debts. Technology, such as online databases and social media, can aid in this process by providing valuable information about the client's whereabouts.
How can online databases assist in skip tracing?
Online databases, including housing, employment, and criminal records, can be accessed to gather information about missing clients. Regularly checking these databases is essential for up-to-date information.
How can social media be used for skip tracing?
Social media platforms offer insights into a client's life and can help locate them. Even if you've been blocked, you might find information through other accounts or public posts.
What is the significance of following a digital footprint in skip tracing?
A person's digital footprint is a lasting trail of their online activities. By tracing this footprint, you can uncover more recent information about the client's whereabouts.
What are online investigative tools, and how can they aid in skip tracing?
Online investigative tools automate searches across various databases to gather information about the missing client, ensuring no crucial data is missed.
How can reverse phone number lookups assist in skip tracing?
Reverse phone number lookup services allow you to trace a debtor's address using their contact number, helping you locate and contact them.
Should I collaborate with skip tracing professionals?
Collaborating with experienced skip tracers can provide expert advice and assistance in maximizing debt collection success.
Why is staying up-to-date with technology important for skip tracing?
Advancements in technology offer new tools and methods for skip tracing. Staying informed about these developments can enhance your effectiveness in locating missing clients.
What are some free skip tracing tools I can use for debt collection?
Some free skip tracing tools include general search engines, social media platforms, reverse search websites, yellow/white pages, email checkers, ABN lookup, and WordPress/blog sites.
What are the advantages of using skip tracing to protect and grow my business?
Skip tracing helps recover bad debts, increases debt collection rates, reduces collection costs, minimizes legal risks, saves time, improves business cash flow, and protects your assets.
What is a debt collector, and how can they help with skip tracing?
A debt collector is a professional who specializes in locating and collecting debts. They have specialized skills and resources to effectively trace missing clients and recover debts.
How can hiring a debt collector benefit my business?
Hiring a debt collector increases the likelihood of successfully tracing and collecting debts, saving you time and effort.
Why should I consider hiring a debt collector for skip tracing?
Debt collectors possess expertise, skills, and tools that significantly improve the success rate of skip tracing and debt recovery.
What are the advantages of using a debt collector’s services?
Debt collectors have access to specialized resources, legal knowledge, and experience that enhance the efficiency and success of skip tracing and debt collection.
Can a debt collector recover debts once a missing client is located?
Yes, a debt collector can not only locate missing clients but also engage in the process of debt recovery on your behalf.
How can a debt collector help protect my business’s assets?
A debt collector can locate and recover assets from missing clients, safeguarding your business's financial interests.
Is hiring a debt collector a cost-effective solution for skip tracing?
Yes, hiring a debt collector can be cost-effective compared to the expenses associated with legal actions and unsuccessful skip tracing attempts.
What qualifications should I look for in a debt collector?
When hiring a debt collector, consider their experience, track record, legal compliance, and reputation within the industry.
Can a debt collector help improve my business’s cash flow?
Yes, by successfully recovering outstanding debts, a debt collector can contribute to improving your business's cash flow.
How can I get started with hiring a debt collector for skip tracing?
To begin, research reputable debt collection agencies, evaluate their services, and reach out to discuss your specific skip tracing needs.

Advance debt collection is an Australia-wide commercial debt collection agency and credit and accounts receivable management. We can recovery your debts, conduct skip tracing, and manage your accounts receivable. We collect your debts for commission only. This means no collection, no commission. We are professional debt collectors with combined 20 years of experience to help you collect your debts. We are partnered with expert litigation lawyers with years of experience in debt recovery, enforcement, and insolvency. Under the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 Advance Debt Collection Pty Ltd hold authority number 4583821 to act as a debt collector. ADC Advance Debt Collection® is a registered trademark.