Are you a landlord in Queensland who is struggling collecting unpaid rent debts from your tenants and is unsure of how you can deal with this issue?
If so, you may be feeling the financial pressure of not being paid for your property and be under quite a lot of stress and anxiety.
When you own a property that is being rented, it is important that you are consistently being paid your rent payments.
Not only is this income important for you, but it is your responsibility to manage the upkeep of the property and, in some cases, continue to pay the mortgage if you have not entirely paid it off.
But how can I deal with tenants that don’t seem to want to pay?
It is not always your only option to evict, although it is a key consideration, as you may wish to take debt collection steps first. You must be able to effectively collect debts from tenants as a landlord!
In this article, our debt collectors will discuss some of the best practices and considerations that you should be making when navigating collecting unpaid rent in Queensland.
The article from provides a comprehensive guide on collecting unpaid rent in Australia.
It addresses the challenges landlords face in managing rental debts and offers practical advice for effective debt collection.
Understanding the Rental Landscape
- Types of Rent: The article distinguishes between commercial rent (properties used for business) and residential rent (properties used as residences).
- Importance of Knowledge: Landlords need to understand which category their rental agreement falls into for effective debt collection.
Best Practises for Collecting Unpaid Rent
- Effective Lease Agreements: Creating clear and effective lease agreements is crucial. This sets a solid foundation for future rent collection by laying out expectations clearly.
- Active Communication: Landlords should actively communicate their expectations and listen to tenants' needs and concerns. This approach helps in preventing misunderstandings and disputes.
- Early Intervention: Addressing missed payments promptly is key. Early intervention can prevent debts from accumulating and becoming unmanageable.
The Eviction Process
- All states and territories will have their own forms, and these forms should state the eviction reason and the deadline for the tenant to vacate the property.
Considering Debt Collection Agencies
- When to Hire: The decision to hire a debt collection agency varies. It's an option when landlords feel they've exhausted other methods or anticipate a lengthy collection process.
- Choosing the Right Agency: It's important to select an agency that uses legal and respectable practises and aligns with the landlord's goals.
Landlords should stay organised with their tenancy agreements and address issues as they arise. If problems with unpaid rents persist, considering a debt collection agency could be beneficial.
This guide aims to help landlords navigate the complexities of rent collection, especially when dealing with delinquent payments, by providing actionable strategies and considerations for effective debt management.
Understanding the Rental Landscape
The first and arguably most important thing that you must do if you are collecting rental debts is to understand the rental landscape to a high extent.
For starters, there are two types of rent that a majority of properties fall into, commercial and residential.
Commercial rent is when you, the landlord, are renting a property that is used to operate a business.
A commercial lease may be retail, meaning that the property serves as a shop or outlet where the tenant sells a product or non-retail.
Residential rent is when you are renting a property to a tenant who is using it as a residence or where they are living.
These two forms of rent incorporate a wide range of properties, and you must understand which category your rental agreement falls into and how this works for you when you are collecting your debt.
Best Practices for Collecting Unpaid Rent
So, you know more about your rental agreement and are now ready to collect your unpaid rent debt from your tenant/s. But how can I go about this?
There are several practices that you can engage in to successfully collect your debt from your tenants, including:
- Effective Lease Agreements; and/or
- Collecting Unpaid Rent with Active Communication; and/or
- Collecting Unpaid Rent with Early Intervention.
We will explain these in a little more detail below.
Effective Lease Agreements
The first practice that you can use to successfully collect your debts from your tenants is creating effective and clear leases.
If you are currently dealing with debt issues, consider applying this to your business now to save you from more future issues.
By creating an effective and clear lease agreement, you create a solid foundation for rent collection in the future.
You have laid out all of your expectations clearly and understandably which helps your tenants to consistently make rent payments.
Collecting Unpaid Rent with Active Communication
Another great practice that you can use to successfully collect your debts from your tenants is to actively communicate your expectations.
If your tenants do not know what you want from them, how are they expected to meet these standards?
Make sure you communicate what you want from the tenancy agreement and actively listen to their needs and concerns; it will take you a long way!
Collecting Unpaid Rent with Early Intervention
Another effective practice that you can use to successfully collect your debts from your tenants is intervening with non-payment early.
When a tenant misses one or two payments, they can start to let their unpaid debt pile up on them until it gets to a point where they cannot pay at all! As soon as you notice that a tenant has missed a payment, check-in and collect it early after.
What to do if your Tenant Starts Falling Behind in Rent?
When your tenant begins to fall behind in rent, it's crucial to take proactive and constructive steps to manage the situation effectively.
Firstly, send late payment notifications via SMS and email promptly. This not only serves as a formal reminder to the tenant but also establishes a documented trail of your attempts to collect the rent.
Maintaining good communication is key; ensure that you're open to dialogue, understanding of their situation, and clear about your expectations.
Documenting all conversations, whether they are in person, over the phone, or via email, is essential for maintaining an accurate record of what has been discussed and agreed upon.
Approach the situation objectively, focusing on the facts and the terms of the lease agreement, rather than letting emotions drive your decisions.
If the tenant is facing temporary financial difficulties, consider offering repayment plans that allow them to catch up over time. This can be more effective than demanding immediate payment in full.
Additionally, offering the option to make payments via credit card can provide tenants with more flexibility and may facilitate quicker payments. However, be mindful of frequent late payers.
If a pattern of late payments emerges, it may be necessary to take more formal actions, but always ensure that these actions are in line with your legal obligations as a landlord and the terms of your lease agreement.
Collecting Unpaid Rent - Eviction Process
The eviction process in Australia varies by state and territory, as each has its own specific laws and regulations governing tenancy and eviction. However, there are some common steps and principles that apply across the country. Here's a general overview:
Grounds for Eviction
- Non-payment of Rent: This is the most common reason. If a tenant falls behind in rent, they can be issued a notice.
- Breach of Lease Terms: Other breaches of the lease, such as property damage or illegal activities, can also be grounds for eviction.
- End of Lease: Eviction can occur at the end of a fixed-term lease if the landlord does not wish to renew it.
Issuing a Notice
- Notice to Remedy: For rent arrears or lease breaches, landlords must first issue a 'Notice to Remedy Breach' or a similar document, giving the tenant a specific period to rectify the issue.
- Notice to Vacate: If the issue is not resolved, a 'Notice to Vacate' can be issued, stating when the tenant must leave the property.
Legal Process
- Tribunal or Court: If the tenant does not vacate by the specified date, the landlord may need to apply to a state tribunal (like the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal) or a court for an eviction order.
- Hearing: A hearing is usually scheduled, where both the landlord and tenant can present their case.
4. Eviction Order
- Issuance of Order: If the tribunal or court sides with the landlord, an eviction order will be issued.
- Enforcement: In some cases, law enforcement may be involved to enforce the eviction.
State-Specific Considerations
- Notice Periods: The required notice period for eviction varies. For example, in NSW, 14 days' notice is required for non-payment of rent, whereas in Victoria, it's 14 days for the first breach and 28 days for subsequent breaches.
- Tribunal Processes: The name and process of the tribunal or court vary (e.g., VCAT in Victoria, QCAT in Queensland).
- COVID-19 Impact: Temporary changes were made in many jurisdictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting eviction rules and processes.
Key Points on Eviction
- Fair Process: Landlords must follow a fair and legal process for eviction, respecting the rights of the tenant.
- Documentation: Keeping detailed records and documentation throughout the tenancy and eviction process is crucial.
- Legal Advice: It's advisable for both landlords and tenants to seek legal advice if facing an eviction situation.
It's important for landlords and tenants to be aware of the specific laws and regulations in their state or territory. This ensures that the eviction process, if necessary, is conducted legally and fairly.
Problems with the Recovery of Rent Arrears
Recovering rent arrears presents a range of challenges for landlords, particularly when it comes to understanding and navigating the debtor tenant's personal and financial circumstances.
Where is the Debtor Tenant?
Locating the debtor tenant is often the first major hurdle in the debt recovery process. Tenants with outstanding rent may leave the property without notice and without providing a forwarding address. This makes it difficult for landlords to track them down to recover the owed rent.
Employing skip tracing services or specialists in finding individuals can be an option, but this approach can be time-consuming and isn't always successful, especially if the tenant is actively trying to evade contact.
Does the Debtor Tenant Own Any Property?
Assessing whether the debtor tenant has any significant assets is crucial for recovery strategies. If the tenant owns property or other valuable assets, there may be legal avenues available to the landlord, such as placing a lien on these assets.
However, this process can be complex and is contingent on the tenant actually having assets of sufficient value.
In many cases, tenants in significant rent arrears may not have substantial assets, which complicates the recovery process.
Can the Debtor Satisfy a Money Order?
A tenant's employment status can significantly impact the likelihood of recovering rent arrears. If the tenant is employed, wage garnishment might be a viable option.
This involves a court order directing the tenant's employer to withhold a portion of their earnings to pay off the debt.
However, this is dependent on the tenant having a steady job and income, and there are legal processes and limitations to consider.
In summary, the recovery of rent arrears in Australia is a multifaceted issue that requires landlords to consider various aspects of the debtor tenant's life and financial situation. It's a process that often involves balancing legal rights and ethical considerations, while navigating the practical challenges of locating the tenant and assessing their ability to pay.
Considering Debt Collection when Collecting Unpaid Rent
When managing your rent debts, it can be extremely beneficial to hire a debt collection agency.
But you probably have some questions about how this works and how debt collection would look for you.
For starters, it is difficult to make the call to hire a debt collector, rather than just continuing to pursue the debt on your own.
So, when should you engage a professional to collect your debt for you? The decision to hire outside help with debt collection will come to everyone at a different point in the process.
When you feel that you have run out of options may be the right time for you.
However, hiring a debt collector early in the process can be great for saving time and resources on clients that you will likely have to hire a debt collector for later in the process anyway.
Unfortunately, there is no straight answer, just what works for your business, and its needs.
Another question that you may have is how you can choose the agency that is right for you.
Different debt collection agencies have different processes and strategies that can help you meet your goals in different ways.
The first and most important thing that you must look for is if they are using legal and respectable practices in their agency.
If not, immediately look for someone different.
After that, you should be considering your personal goals and picking your debt collection agency based on how they will meet them.
There is no one shoe fits all in debt collection; pick the agency that fits you!
Key Takeaways
Dealing with tenants not making payments is no easy task.
That is why it is vital that you are informed and ready to deal with non-payment as it comes!
Be sure to stay organised with your tenancy agreement and discuss issues with clients as they come up; do not let them pile up until tensions are high!
If you continue to struggle with unpaying tenants, consider hiring a debt collection agency.
They can completely change things up in the way of debts, get your outstanding payments made, and help to ensure that issues in the future are avoided.
FAQ on Collecting Unpaid Rent in Queensland
Navigating the complexities of rent collection, especially when faced with delinquent payments, can be a challenging endeavour for Queensland landlords.
With an intricate landscape of rental agreements and the potential stress of maintaining property finances, it's crucial to be equipped with accurate knowledge.
To help landlords effectively manage these issues, we've compiled a comprehensive FAQ section.
From understanding the rental landscape to considering debt collection agencies, this guide aims to address your most pressing concerns and ensure a smooth rent collection process.
What can a tenant be breached for rent arrears?
A tenant can be breached for rent arrears if they fail to pay their rent on time as per the terms of their lease agreement. In Australia, landlords can issue a formal breach notice, typically after the rent is overdue by a specific period, often 7 to 14 days. This notice serves as a warning and provides the tenant with a timeframe to remedy the arrears before further action is taken.
What happens if you have a rent debt?
If you have a rent debt, you may receive a breach notice from your landlord for non-payment of rent. Continued failure to clear the debt can lead to further legal actions, including potential eviction proceedings. It's important to communicate with your landlord and possibly negotiate a repayment plan to avoid escalation of the situation.
What happens if your tenant stops paying rent in Australia?
If your tenant stops paying rent in Australia, you can issue them a breach notice for rent arrears. If the tenant fails to pay the overdue rent within the specified period in the notice, you may then take steps to terminate the tenancy and potentially begin eviction proceedings, following the legal processes outlined in your state or territory's tenancy laws.
What is a debt owed for renting a building?
A debt owed for renting a building is typically referred to as rent arrears. This occurs when a tenant fails to pay their rent on time as agreed in the lease contract. The outstanding amount becomes a debt that the tenant owes to the landlord, and it can lead to legal consequences if not addressed promptly.
How long does it take to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent?
The time it takes to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent varies by state and territory in Australia. Generally, the process involves issuing a breach notice, waiting for the period specified in the notice to expire, and then applying to a tribunal or court for an eviction order. The entire process can take several weeks to a few months, depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances.
How do I evict a tenant for non-payment of rent without a lease?
Evicting a tenant for non-payment of rent without a lease can be complex, as the lack of a formal lease agreement may limit your legal options. However, you still have rights as a landlord. It's advisable to provide the tenant with a notice to vacate, stating the reason for eviction and a reasonable timeframe to leave the property. If the tenant refuses to leave, you may need to seek legal advice or assistance from a tribunal or court.
How to recover unpaid rent after eviction?
To recover unpaid rent after eviction, you can pursue legal action against the former tenant. This often involves filing a claim in small claims court or a similar tribunal, depending on the amount owed and the laws in your jurisdiction. It's important to have all relevant documentation, including the lease agreement, records of missed payments, and any communication with the tenant regarding the debt. You may also consider hiring a debt collection agency to assist in the recovery process.
How to collect debt from tenant?
To collect debt from a tenant, start by sending formal reminders and notices for the overdue rent. If the tenant fails to respond or pay, you can issue a formal breach notice. If the situation doesn't resolve, you may need to take legal action, such as filing a claim in small claims court. It's crucial to maintain all records of the tenancy and communication with the tenant, as these will be important in any legal proceedings.
Who is the best collection agency for unpaid rent?
The best collection agency for unpaid rent depends on your specific needs and location. Look for agencies with experience in property management and tenant debt collection. It's important to choose an agency that operates ethically and within the legal framework of your jurisdiction. Reading reviews, asking for referrals from other landlords, and checking the agency's track record and accreditation can help you make an informed decision.
How to get unpaid rent from tenant after eviction?
To get unpaid rent from a tenant after eviction, you may need to file a legal claim against them. This can be done through small claims court or a similar legal body, depending on the amount owed and local laws. You'll need to provide evidence of the tenancy agreement, the rent arrears, and any attempts you made to collect the rent before and after eviction. If the court rules in your favour, you may be awarded a judgment against the tenant, which can then be enforced through various means, such as wage garnishment or seizing assets, depending on the laws in your area.
I’m a landlord struggling to collect unpaid rent. What can I do?
You can consider best practices such as effective lease agreements, active communication, early intervention, and, if necessary, the eviction process. If the issue persists, hiring a debt collection agency can be a beneficial option.
What are the two main types of rents in Queensland?
The two primary types of rents are commercial (properties used for business) and residential (properties used as a residence or where the tenant lives).
How does having a clear lease agreement help in rent collection?
A clear and effective lease agreement lays out all the expectations which aids in setting a clear foundation for rent collection in the future. This can prevent misunderstandings and ensure timely payments.
Why is active communication essential for collecting unpaid rent?
Active communication helps clarify expectations. When tenants are aware of what's expected, they're more likely to comply. It also allows the landlord to actively listen to tenant needs and concerns, which can prevent potential disputes.
How can I handle a tenant who misses a rent payment?
Intervene early when a tenant misses a payment. Checking in and addressing the issue shortly after the missed payment can prevent larger debt accumulations.
What is the eviction process in Queensland for unpaid rent?
If a tenant fails to pay rent, the landlord can fill out Form 12 – Notice to Leave Form and provide the tenant with a physical copy. This form states the reason for eviction and the timeframe in which the tenant should leave the property.
When should I consider hiring a debt collection agency?
The right time varies, but if you feel you've exhausted your options or foresee a lengthy collection process, it might be time to hire professionals. Engaging an agency early can save time and resources in the long run.
How do I choose the right debt collection agency?
Ensure the agency employs legal and respectful practices. After this, consider your goals and select an agency based on how they align with them. Remember, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach; choose what fits your situation best.
Why should I consider hiring a debt collection agency?
A debt collection agency can streamline the debt recovery process, ensuring you get your outstanding payments. They can also help in avoiding future payment issues with tenants.
Useful Links for Collecting Unpaid Rent
In Australia, each state and territory has its own specific legislation governing tenancy matters, including rent arrears and evictions. Here's a list of the relevant Acts for each jurisdiction:
Unpaid Rent in New South Wales (NSW)
Unpaid Rent in Victoria (VIC)
Unpaid Rent in Queensland (QLD)
- Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008.
- Ending a Tenancy Agreement.
- Debt Collection in Queensland.
Unpaid Rent in Western Australia (WA)
Unpaid Rent in South Australia (SA)
Unpaid Rent in Tasmania (TAS)
Unpaid Rent in Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
- Residential Tenancies Act 1997.
- Tenancy termination grounds for landlords.
- Debt Collection in Canberra.
Unpaid Rent in Northern Territory (NT)
These Acts provide the legal framework for all aspects of residential tenancies, including the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants, procedures for handling rent arrears, and the process for eviction. It's important for both landlords and tenants to be familiar with the legislation in their respective state or territory to ensure they are compliant with their legal obligations and understand their rights.

Advance debt collection is an Australia-wide commercial debt collection agency and credit and accounts receivable management. We can recovery your debts, conduct skip tracing, and manage your accounts receivable. We collect your debts for commission only. This means no collection, no commission. We are professional debt collectors with combined 20 years of experience to help you collect your debts. We are partnered with expert litigation lawyers with years of experience in debt recovery, enforcement, and insolvency. Under the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 Advance Debt Collection Pty Ltd hold authority number 4583821 to act as a debt collector. ADC Advance Debt Collection® is a registered trademark.