Are you looking for help from websites for business owners?
Business can be difficult. Between managing clients, employees, and your product or service, as well as trying to get your business out there and grow, there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day!
There are, however, some life savers out there that have taken it into their hands to assist the modern business owner in the form of helpful websites!
In this article our debt collectors will direct you to 9 of the best websites for business owners to bookmark and how and why they can help you!
Australian Government Business Page
The Australian Government Business Page is a site run by, as the name suggests, the Australian Government that contains multitudes of helpful information for any Australian business owner.
As stated in the About Us section on their site, the site “puts the needs of businesses first” and “makes it easier for you to find information”.
This site can be of great benefit to Australian business owners as you can use it to locate vital information about marketing and growing your business in easy-to-understand language and formatting.
This website for business owners provides useful information regarding how to keep a business smooth sailing and advises you on how to fill out tax obligations and other difficult financial tasks such as debt collection.
These websites for business owners also assists with the management and treatment of employees and utilising opportunities for growth.
ASIC’s MoneySmart
ASIC’s, otherwise referred to as the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, MoneySmart website is an extremely valuable site for all business owners.
This site is all about the financial side of life and can therefore provide very helpful and effective tips and tricks on how you can manage your money better.
It provides users with a variety of tools and information that you can use to ensure your business's finances are smooth sailing.
These websites for business owners also provides you with tools, such as applications and various types of calculators, to use in the planning and management of finances.
As stated on the site, ASIC created this platform to help “Australians take control of their money,” doing so with “free tools, tips and guidance.”
Dynamic Business
Dynamic Business is another great tool you can access to assist you with the running and management of your business.
The site provides users with a wide range of business-related information, especially regarding the development of your business and how to achieve large growth over time.
Due to its consistent updating, you can be assured that the information and advice you are reading is relevant and up to date.
Furthermore, the site also provides readers with the latest business-related news such as news regarding entrepreneurship, small business, technology, start-ups, and much more!
Smart Company is another site recommended for the modern-day business owner for great advice and the latest news.
As stated by these websites for business owners, Smart Company is “Australia’s premier publication for growing businesses and entrepreneurs seeking information, advice, news, and ideas to help them succeed.”
This site is great for the Australian business owner that wishes to stay knowledgeable of modern business trends and loves that extra advice on how to grow their business from others in the field.
The information provided on this site is not only from a team of trained journalists but is also assisted by the information of “contributors from around the world” to ensure they are providing the best, most credible information to you!
Entrepreneur is another admirable site for a business owner looking for some new ideas or advice.
As the name implies, this site is tailored for the modern-day entrepreneur and provides you with great tips on how to take your business to the next level.
These websites for business owners are full of advice, tips, strategies and more regarding how to run and grow your business in the most effective manner possible.
It, like many other sites on this list, also provides you with a news section, detailing all of the recent business moments worth reading about.
LinkedIn is a popular site across the world of business and can help you to effectively communicate with others.
As stated, the purpose of this site is generally to communicate within similar employment fields with potential clients, employees, and experienced individuals in your same field ready and waiting to provide you with great tips and advice.
LinkedIn is practically a form of social media and, according to businessman and LinkedIn user George Mount, a good one at that!
He states in his article regarding the benefits of LinkedIn that from using the site he has gained the knowledge that “your best collaborators are your competitors.”
These websites for business owners connects you with businesses you may consider competitors due to their similar products/services so that you can use each other’s knowledge in a mutually beneficial business relationship!
Ben’s Blog
Ben’s Blog is a great site you can use to assist your business in a multitude of ways.
Founded and compiled by New York Times bestseller The Hard Thing About Hard Things and What You Do Is Who You Are, Ben Horowitz, this site is great for those who need a little extra help in the area of managing staff and really stepping up to the plate and being a leader within their business.
He teaches you how to be an all-around better CEO and how to really develop your business past the “small-business” mark.
Horowitz also knows how to have a little fun with his readers, accompanying his information with fun music and lyrics to keep you interested.
Tara Gentile
Tara Gentile is an inspiring resource for the modern-day entrepreneur and can, again, really help with the growth of your business.
Run by entrepreneur and writer Tara McMullin, this site has been “facilitating honest conversations about running and growing a small business” for an impressive 10 years!
The question these websites for business owners really aims to develop on and help you with is “what works?’ In a world of developing technology, strategies, and marketing techniques what actually effectively work for your business? McMullin can help you with that!
Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) is a great modern website that, as a business owner, you should be checking!
These government-run websites for business owners recognises the integral part small businesses play in the Australian economy and therefore finds it necessary to assist these businesses with their continued growth and, more importantly, existence.
The site focuses its efforts on two types of businesses/people: small or family-run businesses in need and those who support small businesses in need.
It provides tips and assistance in the form of various articles for those two types of organisations!

Advance debt collection is an Australia-wide commercial debt collection agency and credit and accounts receivable management. We can recovery your debts, conduct skip tracing, and manage your accounts receivable. We collect your debts for commission only. This means no collection, no commission. We are professional debt collectors with combined 20 years of experience to help you collect your debts. We are partnered with expert litigation lawyers with years of experience in debt recovery, enforcement, and insolvency. Under the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 Advance Debt Collection Pty Ltd hold authority number 4583821 to act as a debt collector. ADC Advance Debt Collection® is a registered trademark.